Well we moved on down to Gibraltar after Marbella to see those CHEEKAY MONKAYS (technically they are apes). Originally we walked all way up the wrong side of the rock, but it still provided an spiffing viewpoint of Gibraltar and east down Costa Del Sol. We were worried that the apes had to gone home for the night but eventually we got the the other side of the rock and there they were, roaming merrily. The sun was setting by that point, we could see the Morocco across the strait and then BAM Jessie had an ape on her head trying to steal her sunglasses. It was all cute and snuffly until it tried to rip out her earrings, it crossed the frecken LINE and was punished accordingly with no further attention.

After the general ape molestation came to a close, we had to walk back down the rock in the dark.

My my what fine cacti.
We then went out with a really nice lad that we met in Marbella and he introduced us to all his friends and we went back to one of their houses for a HOUSENPARTY. The owner of the household had an excellent cat. Minor issue was that apparently the hostel we were staying in was in the biggest hood for miles and we genuinely wouldn't make it home alive because we were English people staying in the highly spanish La Linea. But we got back alive so it's all gravy. They were JOLLY GOOD FUN, indeed so fun that we might go back there for 10th September (their national day).

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